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In chronological order, by category.


It's all about the stories.

1. Travelling quacks were actually a thing:

Pt 1. She voided a frog, a newt and two worms. August 2020.

Pt 2. Hezekiah Bowling was a happy man. August 2020.

Pt 3. William Kirk was a new woman. January 2021.

Pt 4. Fourteen missing feather beds. January 2021.


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Patent medicines.

1. When is a patent medicine not a patent medicine? November 2021.

2. Will the real Daffy's Elixir please stand up? January 2022.

3. One Daffy's, or four, or 26, or more? January 2022.


Patent medicine bottles

1. Turlington's Balsam of Life: the 1754 design. September 2020.

2. Jesuit's Drops, 1755 - circa 1860. October 2020.

3. Cabburn’s Anti-Doloric Oil, 1840 - circa 1920s. October 2020.

4. John Lynch, Duke Street, St James's, 1812 - 1829. October 2020.

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